Today: Mostly sunny with highs in the 30s. Exact temps in each location may be tricky depending on how fast snow melts off. Expect breezy southerly winds with gusts of 15-30 mph.
Thursday: Highs in the mid 30s to low 40s with a cold front moving through in the afternoon. Partly to mostly cloudy skies. A cold front moving through late in the day may bring some light snow showers to portions of central MO late Thursday into
Thursday night. Little to no accumulations and no mentionable impacts are expected.
Temperatures will fall to 5-15 degrees Thursday night with breezy northwest winds bringing wind chills around -5 to -10.
Friday into Saturday: No precip is expected. Look for highs in the mid teens to low
20s both days and lows around zero Friday night. Minimum wind chills Friday night into Saturday morning are forecast to be -10 to -20, which may require a Wind Chill Advisory.
Source: NWS Springfield